Chris Riebschlager — Processing Sketches

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Attraction Repulsion

In this sketch, you can generate attractors and repulsors that move around the canvas, pulling particles that leave a trail.

Attraction Repulsion Typography

A particle system is generated on the outline of given text. You can then spawn attractors and repulsors that drag the particles around.

Circle Slice

A simple sketch with cool-looking results. It slices an image into concentric circles and rotates each slice.


Send some particles around the canvas and have them draw lines between each other when they get close enough.


Reduce album covers into their dot representations.

Draw by Attraction

A Euler integration physics system that let's you swing particles around the mouse as they stamp vector shapes on the canvas.

Face Particles

This is a particle system that uses your webcam. The particles chase your face!

Fingerprint Portrait

Draw wavy lines that respond to the brightness in a photo. The result looks a bit like a fingerprint.

Flickr by Color

This takes advantage of an API let allows you to search Flickr photos by dominant color.


Uses particles and Perlin noise to generate hair-like strokes.

Lava Lamp

Uses flocking to generate a lava lamp type effect.


A really fun brush that draws thousands of arcs based on mouse gestures.

Neobrush Leap

Just like the regular Neobrush sketch, but allows you to paint with your fingers using a Leap Motion device.

Noise Haystack

This sketch uses Perlin noise to create a 2D noise grid and places rectangles on the grid accordingly.

Particle Trees

Making trees using self-replicating particles that shrink and die off.

Particle Vector Scatter

Throw some vector shapes around the canvas based on mouse gestures.

Pixel Drive

Stretch out an image one vertical row of pixels at a time. It creates videos that look a lot like looking out the side window of a fast-moving car.

Pixel Plaids

This sketch slices an image into small vertical and horizontal strips, stretches them out and blends them together.

Polygon Smooth

This sketch creates a complex shape that eventually smooths outward, drawing as it goes.

Sketch Portrait

Uses Perlin noise to make photos look a bit more "sketchy".

Sliver Slice

A really simple sketch that slices and reorders images.

Vector Noise Swirl

Uses vectors and Perlin noise to create brush strokes.


A kaleidoscopic drawing program that uses vector shapes and Perlin noise to create brush strokes.